Hello,my name is
Mohammed Rehan Fazal
And I'm a Web Dev|
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About me

I'm Mohammed Rehan Fazal and I'm a Web De|

I am a versatilist and easily adapt to different hats (Full Stack Web Developer 🌐, Web Developer 📱, Machine Learning 🤖 or beginner level Designer 🎨) depending on what the project requires. I love exploring new tech stack 💻 and leveraging them to build cool stuffs 🛠️.

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My services

Web Design

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Tech Stack

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App Design

This Service will be available soon..

My skills

My creative skills & experiences.

I am an artist by heart, an engineer by passion. Trying my level best to bring up my artist skills into my passion. Loves coding in Java and Web Devlopment.

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Java 90%
C(Programming Language) and C++ 80%
HTML 70%
CSS 50%
JavaScript 30%

My Projects

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Please provide your feedback
Have a project for me? I'd love to hear from you, give me a shout by email or by using the form below.

Mohammed Rehan Fazal
Maulana Azad National Urdu University,Hyderabad.
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